Cancer: Embodying the Sacred Feminine Attunement
Connecting with the most Ancient Divine feminine energies and codes divinely placed within the Earth, Moon and the constellation of Cancer. Both the Divine Mother and Goddess facets of the sacred feminine will assist you in further activating their essence through your own personal Soul expression.
Pure Love Attunement
Returning and merging with our original Soul creation and the remembrance that we were created from pure divine love. Retrieving aspects of ourselves that felt abandoned and unloved from our present & past incarnations and any other reality where our Soul or Self experienced that separation from love.
Rays of Ascension Attunement
This Attunement works best for those already on the journey of complete Soul awakening to further enlighten and accelerate the experience! A greater sense of inner faith and trust, an expansion of the heart muscle and a clearer understanding of what it means and how it feels to be One Great Being - your Soul.
What are attunements?
I combine a guided meditation with calling in powerful guides to focus on specific issues. Attunements guide you into deeper meditative states to access wisdom within you.