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Aquarius Starlight Attunement

When you feel like reaching for the stars, call in their energy and light, to be one with you now. Useful for all astrological sign!

Aquarius Starlight Attunement

Archangel Uriel & Aurora: Recalibration Attunement

Archangels Uriel and Aurora assist in clearing and unifying the highways of communication within our mental bodies. Our superconscious, unconscious, and subconscious parts of our mind will communicate directly with (and through) our conscious mind.

Archangel Uriel & Aurora: Recalibration Attunement

Aries Crown of Courage Attunement

Welcoming in the divine qualities of Aries: Courage, integrity, honesty, focused drive, loyalty, and self-empowerment.

Aries Crown of Courage Attunement

Ascension Journey Attunement

Where are you on your energetic ascension journey?

Ascension Journey Attunement

Cancer: Embodying the Sacred Feminine Attunement

Connecting with the most Ancient Divine feminine energies and codes divinely placed within the Earth, Moon and the constellation of Cancer. Both the Divine Mother and Goddess facets of the sacred feminine will assist you in further activating their essence through your own personal Soul expression.

Cancer: Embodying the Sacred Feminine Attunement

Capricorn: Embodiment Attunement

Connecting with your body structure and its interconnectedness within your Being. Fine-tuning this alignment, so that you feel more comfortable and balanced on a physical level.

Capricorn: Embodiment Attunement

Chakra Balancing & Light Body Alignment Attunement

This attunement helps you embody your Earth connection. Listen to how to align your energy field (your physical & light bodies) with the Earth's field of Light and natural healing powers.

Chakra Balancing & Light Body Alignment Attunement

Cosmic Healing Attunement

This Attunement will supercharge your Body and Essence with Cosmic Cleansing Rain. You will integrate these light/energy rays of creation into your cellular matrix system.

Cosmic Healing Attunement

Creator Infinity Codes Attunement

In this Attunement we are accessing and fully integrating into our multi-dimensional matrix system unique Creator Codes & Frequencies and the Infinity Codes that apply to us as individuals on our journey of greater awakening into Self.

Creator Infinity Codes Attunement

Earth Oneness Attunement

Harmonizing and deepening the resonance between all of our multidimensional bodies and the Earth's multi-faceted frequencies & dimensions! Facets of the Divine Goddess and the Divine Masculine energies assist with the harmonization/resonance process.

Earth Oneness Attunement

Full Moon ~ Lunar Eclipse Attunement

Ideal to listen to in preparation for, during and after a Lunar Eclipse or Full Moon. The rays of the Moon provide cleansing, releasing, healing, and activating light waves.

Full Moon ~ Lunar Eclipse Attunement

Gemini: Embodying Your Truth Attunement

Awakening to the next level/s of your inner truth. Accessing your Divine, Soul, and Human codes of information & knowledge.

Gemini: Embodying Your Truth Attunement

Heaven Attunement

You are connected to the energy, the matrix field of Heaven. You are made from it! Tap into it. Activate it. Have a stronger awareness of this matrix to expand your energy field and consciousness.

Heaven Attunement

Higher Mind Integration Attunement

Bringing your Higher Mind and Light Body on-line to further integrate within the physical realms. Assisting us: Archangels Hope, Gabriel, Raphael, and The Communication Angels.

Higher Mind Integration Attunement

Leo Sovereignty Attunement

Great to do around a New and Full Moon in Leo, and upon entering the Lion's Gate on 8-8. Listen when your inner courage needs a boost and your connection to self a further awakening.

Leo Sovereignty Attunement

Libra Attunement: Harmony Freedom and Love

For those seeking to open their physical and light-bodies to true love. Restore inner balance. Create harmony in your heart. It is your time to shine through accessing your inner freedom and inner light!

Libra Attunement: Harmony Freedom and Love

Lions Gate Attunement

An infusion of sacred codes from Sirius, Regulus, Orion and the Archangelic realm. An alignment of higher frequencies of Light to assist in your ascension process.

Lions Gate Attunement

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Light Infusion Attunement

An infusion of Lunar clearings and Solar activations! Receive both the Light Rays of the Moon and the Sun in a dance of harmony fusing with all levels of your Being.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse Light Infusion Attunement

Physical & Light Body Unification

In this Attunement I assist you with the help of your guides to further the unification and incorporation of your LightBody with your physical body. When this process is complete for you, it will be the physical body existing within your LightBody!

Physical & Light Body Unification

Pisces Attunement: Dreaming Your Dreams Awake

A mystical, magical, and creative journey into the higher realms of the Pisces frequencies! It can be experienced as floating in the arms of bliss.

Pisces Attunement: Dreaming Your Dreams Awake

Pure Love Attunement

Returning and merging with our original Soul creation and the remembrance that we were created from pure divine love. Retrieving aspects of ourselves that felt abandoned and unloved from our present & past incarnations and any other reality where our Soul or Self experienced that separation from love.

Pure Love Attunement

Rays of Ascension Attunement

This Attunement works best for those already on the journey of complete Soul awakening to further enlighten and accelerate the experience! A greater sense of inner faith and trust, an expansion of the heart muscle and a clearer understanding of what it means and how it feels to be One Great Being - your Soul.

Rays of Ascension Attunement

Release Codes & Light Love Infusion Attunement

A powerful meditation/attunement for releasing karmic energies and even the 'idea' of participating in karmic patterns. Working with Archangels Sandalphon, Metatron, Shamael, and Divine Mother Mary.

Release Codes & Light Love Infusion Attunement

Sacred Codes 1, 11, 1111 Attunement

The number 1 and all of its multiple vibrations through 10, 11, 111, 1111 awaken and further encode within us higher access to pathways of love, light, and the pure energy of manifestation.

Sacred Codes 1, 11, 1111 Attunement

Sacred Codes 2, 20, 22, 40 Attunement

Connecting to and integrating within your energetic system the Sacred number Codes 2, 20, 22, 40 and multiples thereof! These Sacred codes & Light frequencies contain the qualities of pure love, divine purity, unity consciousness & deeper communication.

Sacred Codes 2, 20, 22, 40 Attunement

Sacred codes 12 12 12 Attunement

Connecting to and integrating within your energetic system the Sacred number Codes 3, 33, 12 and multiples thereof! These Sacred codes & Light frequencies contain the qualities of pure love, divine purity, unity consciousness & miracles.

Sacred codes 12 12 12 Attunement

Sagittarius Attunement: Codes of Wisdom

A journey through the stars to the Orb of Wisdom where we can access our Soul's wisdom codes, those of our Soul Family and any Divine Masters/Teachers we feel drawn to and that wish to share knowledge with us.

Sagittarius Attunement: Codes of Wisdom

Scorpio Attunement: Embodiment of the Lightness of Being

When we work with the deepest layers of the Scorpio frequencies, the transmutation can be so profound as to create your embodiment of the Phoenix (the mystical bird of death and rebirth).

Scorpio Attunement: Embodiment of the Lightness of Being

Taurus Field of Plenty Attunement

Access and deepen your connection to the bounty of prosperity, creativity, well-being, and love that the energy of Taurus in its exquisite symbolism provides!

Taurus Field of Plenty Attunement

Virgo Purity & Grace Attunement

To recapture your true inner divine essence where profound peace & harmony reside. Where creativity and self-actualization is nurtured within you.

Virgo Purity & Grace Attunement


What are attunements?


I combine a guided meditation with calling in powerful guides to focus on specific issues. Attunements guide you into deeper meditative states to access wisdom within you.

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